How to Switch Home Care Providers

Did you know that you can now switch your Home Care provider if you’re not happy?

Interested in switching your Home Care provider – read on!

1. Shop around

Shop around and do your research to find a Home Care provider that suits you and your needs. It is advisable to consider a provider who has various services you would want, both now and in the future.

2. Contact your preferred provider

Contact your shortlisted provider/s to get more information on their services. You can determine if they are able to meet your requirements and accommodate you. Also understand when they would be able to start service.

3. Contact My Aged Care

Now that you’ve selected your preferred provider, use the My Aged Care client record or call 1800 200 422. Advise them of your decision to move and ask them to re-activate your referral code. You will need to give this referral code to your new provider before you start receiving services. Make sure you have a copy of this code. Fill it in your handy notes so that you have it handy.  

When that referral code is accepted by your new provider, your current provider will be notified through My Aged Care that you are looking to change providers. However, this is not your official notice to them and you should have a discussion with your current provider to formally agree on an end date for your services.

4. Notify your current provider you are ceasing services

Advise your current provider of your decision to switch. You can do this over an email or a phone call, however, it is advisable to have it in writing. There will be a notification period before your services change over to your new provider. During this time, you will continue to receive services from your current provider.

5. Start receiving services from your new provider

Your new provider has been given the referral code and has your end date from your previous provider, ensuring you don’t lose out on services. Your commencement date and end date can be the same. You will need to enter into a new Home Care Agreement and a new care plan, which will be delivered with the help of your new provider. Once your care plan is approved, sit back, relax, and enjoy your services.      

For more information on switching Home Care providers or our Home Care services, please feel free to contact us online or call us on 1800 632 314.