Celebrating Excellence in Pastoral Care: Peter Stevenson Wins National Healthcare Award

August 28, 2024

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Celebrating Excellence in Pastoral Care: Peter Stevenson Wins National Healthcare Award
Pictured above: left to right: Peter Stevenson and CEO Monique Reynolds, and Peter singing at the Awards Night

We are thrilled to announce that Peter Stevenson, a dedicated Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator and choirmaster at Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT (SCC), has been honoured with the prestigious Catholic Health Australia (CHA) Annual Award for his innovative and outstanding efforts in enhancing the pastoral care of older people. 

Peter, who works at SCC’s Ozanam Residential Aged Care home in Garran, ACT, received the ‘Excellence in Pastoral Care’ award at the CHA Annual Conference in Sydney on Tuesday night. This recognition highlights Peter's exceptional contributions, particularly through the residents’ choir he established and leads. The choir, which includes centenarians and individuals living with dementia, has become a powerful means of expression, spiritual enrichment, shared purpose, and meaningful engagement for many residents, including those who are non-verbal. 

Peter's passion for music and spirituality was evident as he closed the awards night with heartfelt renditions of ‘My Way’ and ‘Sweet Caroline’. Reflecting on his journey, Peter shared, “When I left my music career 16 years ago, I wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do but I’m so glad I did because coming into aged care gave me a different perspective on life away from the spotlight and of being a singer and entertainer. To be doing this for other people and sharing the beauty, togetherness and spirituality of music has been incredible. I feel so privileged and so blessed to have gone from a career I really loved to a career I love even more.” 

Monique Reynolds, SCC NSW & ACT Chief Executive Officer, praised Peter's dedication, stating, “Peter embodies our purpose at Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT of enabling older people to live life to the full. The engaging opportunities Peter facilitates reflect two pillars within our Strategic Plan: ‘Purposeful Living and Vitality’ and ‘Building Community,’ and are inspiring examples of our Model of Care and Engagement in action that is enhancing the quality of life and healthy ageing among residents.” 

Peter's impact is deeply felt by the residents, including Eileen, 96, who said, “I’ve known Peter for eight years ever since I came here. He’s worked very hard here with us all. I know that if I have a problem I can always go to Peter. He’s encouraged us with different activities. We’ve been having, each Monday, choir practice - he doesn’t want to know if we can sing or not, everyone just goes, and the sound is quite amazing.” 

Kate Atkins MGL, a resident's daughter, added, “Peter is always very pastoral and spends time with each person and makes a connection. He’s a big part of why Mum calls this place home. The choir itself, they come alive, and you get the biggest group in any activity that they do. You can also see, because he’s trained in music, that they’re improving, and they sound really good as well so they’re enjoying it but they’re learning more skills and growing. He’s just got this amazing capacity to bring out the best in each of the residents in whatever skill they have. There’s something special about Peter and his own spirituality that he brings.” 

Jacqueline Quirke, SCC Engagement and Purposeful Living Manager emphasises the importance of meaningful activities and social connections, saying, “At SCC NSW & ACT, we believe in the power of meaningful activities and social connections, knowing that personalised care is key to helping older people to live their best lives. A great example of this is the pastoral care approach at our Garran home led by Peter. With his deep Catholic faith and musical background, Peter brings spiritual insight, genuine compassion and a heartfelt approach to improving residents’ lives.” 

SCC Head of Residential Care, Samantha Tosh, RN, highlighted Peter's significant impact, noting, “Peter has made a significant impact on the residents, who often start singing choir songs when they see him. Peter is always looking for new ways to engage residents, listening closely to their needs, tapping into their unique skills and interests, and using his humour and empathy to brighten their days.” 

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