Parkes own three sisters

April 04, 2024

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Parkes own three sisters
Pictured above: Left to right: Rene Pearson , Margaret Morrison & Mary Stuart, better known as the Webb sisters. 

Forget the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains, here’s three very special siblings in Parkes!

Margaret Morrison, 97, Mary Stuart, 96, and Rene Pearson, 95, all reside at Parkes Southern Cross Care Retirement Village in the State’s central west, and despite their different surnames by marriage, there’s no denying their incredibly strong bond.

Born and bred in the town and formerly known as the Webb sisters, they are as close today as they were growing up, sharing everything from meals, outings and just as importantly laughs.

Having lived through wars, moon landings and even 25 Australian Prime Ministers, they attribute their longevity to their faith, family and good genes.

Living independently up until four years ago when they moved into the village within six months of each other, the three sisters are thrilled to be living under the one roof again, something they haven’t done since childhood.

They acknowledge that while these days they may be a little frail and forgetful, they love living in the village pursuing both their individual and shared interests.

Margaret, a former local historian, and proof-reader with the Parkes Champion Post newspaper, loves nothing more than spending time in the garden where she feeds the birds.

Mary, who still gets up every morning at 5am to pray for the village community and a former teacher’s aide, can usually be found on her computer checking the daily weather forecast, reading emails, and watching church services.

While the youngest sibling Rene, who worked as a stenographer with local accountants J.W Reid’s, today spends her time knitting outfits for underprivileged babies in Africa and since moving into the village has knitted 340.

Village Lifestyle Coordinator Maree Hando said the sisters often remark that they never imagined that they would find themselves growing old and living together and feel very grateful to God and Southern Cross Care for being there for them.

“We are so fortunate to have all three sisters living with us, they are so close and look out for each other, it’s lovely,” she said.

“Sadly, we see residents who have no family and rarely receive visitors, so it’s great to see these three sisters here together. 

“We do what we can to organise opportunities for them to spend time with each other like afternoon teas and other events, and you’ll often see them pop into each other’s rooms just to check in and make sure they are ok.

“Rarely do we see two siblings at the same time, but three is incredibly rare and such a joy.” 

aged care news


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