Living Faith Through Service

December 05, 2024

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Living Faith Through Service
Dedicated volunteer Ellen Long, Father Francis Fuchs, and resident Dr. Gordon White.

While an aged care home isn’t where you’d expect most teenagers to spend their spare time, Ellen Long can’t image being anywhere else.  

The passionate 18-year-old volunteers at our Ozanam Residential Care home in Garran, ACT, lending everything from a hand to set up for weekly Mass to an ear for someone who just wants a chat.   

Ellen is one of an army of volunteers who share their time, talents and hearts in helping our residents and clients live life to the full, and who we salute today, International Volunteers Day.  

With millions of volunteers across Australia, this special day is an opportunity to celebrate their remarkable contributions and acknowledge the profound impact they have nationwide.  

 For Ellen, volunteering at Ozanam has provided her with an avenue to live out her faith.   

“I was raised in a strong Catholic family where helping others was at the heart of what we believe in, and since I have been volunteering, I have discovered some really beautiful friendships,” she said.  

“The residents are so wise and have taught me so much, but mostly to slow down and really appreciate every day.  

“A lot of my friends don’t understand why I spend time at an aged care home, but I know I am where God wants me to be and that brings me so much peace.”   

Southern Cross Care’s Volunteer Manager Vanessa Ogborne said volunteers play a vital role in the day-to-day running of our homes.   

“We deeply appreciate the dedication and generosity of all our volunteers and are committed to fostering an environment where they can thrive and make the most meaningful impact,” she said.   

“And while volunteering is important in all aspects of daily life, it is even more so within older communities.  

“I’m very excited to see where volunteering will go in the next few years and beyond.”  

Happy International Volunteers Day to all our hardworking volunteers for helping our residents and clients live their best life.   

If you or someone you know would like more details about volunteering with SCC contact: 

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