Celebrating Recreation Therapy Month: Abbie Dawson

February 18, 2025

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Celebrating Recreation Therapy Month: Abbie Dawson
Pictured above: Abbie Dawson with Regional Director of ACT and Southern NSW, Sam Tosh, and Chair, Mike Christensen.

This Recreation Therapy Month, we’re celebrating our dedicated and hardworking Recreational Therapists and Lifestyle Teams, thanking them for the incredible work they do to enrich the lives of residents every day. 

We spoke with Abbie Dawson, one of three Recreational Therapy Regional Advisors for Southern Cross Care (NSW & ACT), to hear her insights on the profound impact Recreational Therapy has in aged care. 

Q. What is your role at Southern Cross Care (NSW & ACT)? 

A. I am the Recreational Therapy Regional Advisor for Southern NSW and ACT homes. 

Q. What inspired you to pursue a career in Recreational Therapy? 

A. I started university unsure of where my degree in Health Science, Therapeutic Recreation, Health Promotion, and Health Service Management would take me. It sounded fun! When I learned more about Recreational Therapy and spent my first day on placement, I just knew this role was special, crucial, and rewarding. 

Q. What do you love most about working in aged care? 

A. The residents. Even though my role is less hands-on and off the floor, I still ensure that every decision I make has a positive outcome and impact on our residents. Living in residential aged care is a chance to redefine yourself and enjoy life. 

Q. Can you share a memorable moment when you saw a resident thrive through an activity or program? 

A. Creating moments where residents experience a state of flow, as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in our programs and activities is incredibly heartwarming and can happen daily. However, the most memorable work I have done is with people diagnosed with dementia. When they are unable to express themselves, providing them with an outlet, a hand to hold, and an activity that gives them a sense of purpose and normality helps them feel like themselves again and express themselves in the best way they can. 

I have taken residents who were Australian blind golfing champions back out on the course, showing their loved ones that no matter their diagnosis, they can still do what they love. I have supported war veterans in becoming team captains of bowling competitions, giving them camaraderie and strategic engagement. The list goes on. 

Q. What are some programs or initiatives you’ve introduced or would like to introduce? 

A. I’m personally quite sporty and love a good challenge. A sense of community and team sports provides that for me. So, I like to challenge staff and lifestyle teams to recreate those environments and feelings for the residents who also love them. Examples include interfacility activities, changing up the activities so they’re not always the same, adding an extra level of complexity when residents are ready, and encouraging healthy competition. 

Q. What challenges do you face in your role, and how do you overcome them? 

A. Challenges are everywhere—red tape, rules, guidelines, and barriers, as there should be. I find the best way to overcome them is to listen to the residents and remember that everyone working in aged care is here for them. So, I focus on finding a way to tick all the boxes while always doing our best for the residents. 

Q. What role does a Recreational Therapist play in supporting residents' wellbeing? 

A. A Recreational Therapist considers who each person is, takes everyone as they are, and ensures their needs are met. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. We modify and adapt activities to ensure people achieve the best outcomes and are not set up to fail. When residents feel valued and true to who they are, all health outcomes improve. This is true for all of us—don’t you feel healthier when you feel recognised and supported for who you are? 

Q. What’s one thing you wish more people knew about Recreational Therapy in aged care? 

A. It’s not just entertainment! It’s much deeper than that. If you work closely with your Recreational Therapy and Lifestyle Team, the outcomes and achievements will be more successful for the residents, the staff, and everyone connected to each home. Teamwork makes the dream work! 


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